Why Use the Amarillo Grain Exchange, Inc.
The Amarillo Grain Exchange, Inc. is proud of its longstanding relationship
with the cattle feeding industry in Texas & Oklahoma. The service we provide is
a very useful tool in many areas of feed yard operations. With official inspection
along with the Southwest Scale of Discounts, companies can continually monitor the
condition of their grain. An official certificate is instrumental as a means of securing
discounts for off grade grain. There is no reason to pay for U.S.No. 2 grain when that is
not what is delivered. Our service is one that truly pays for itself. Ultimately, the cost of
submitting a sample of grain for analysis can be returned many times over. Given the very tight
margins for profit created by the cost of cattle, feed and other factors which contribute to the
bottom line, these discounts can and do add up to considerable savings over time.
The Amarillo Grain Exchange, Inc. prides itself on timely service-most of the time we are
able to offer you same day turn around for your results. We email you a results summary of your grades
and an electronic .pdf file containing your official certificates.
The Amarillo Grain Exchange, Inc. is a privately owned, federally supervised
grain inspection agency. Because grain is such an essential source of the
world’s total food supply and is traded in both domestic & export markets,
Congress created the Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) to manage the
national grain inspection system. The goal of creating a single Federal grain
inspection entity was to ensure the development & maintenance of uniform U.S.
standards, to develop inspection and weighing procedures for grain, and to
facilitate grain marketing.
The Amarillo Grain Exchange, Inc. has been authorized by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture’s FGIS to perform official services within a specified area. This
designation allows Amarillo Grain Exchange, Inc. to officially sample and
inspect grain under the United States Grain Standards Act (USGSA). The Amarillo
Grain Exchange, Inc. provides farmers, grain handlers, processors, merchandisers
and buyers in both the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles with accurate and
consistent grain inspection.
The Amarillo Grain Exchange, Inc. will issue an official certificate
showing the official number grade and results of the inspection. When our licensed
personnel sample and inspect a carrier, a white certificate is issued as
evidence that the grade is representative to the entire lot. When a sample is
taken and then submitted to our official lab by an applicant, a pink certificate
is issued, showing that the grade is only representing the quantity of grain
submitted to our agency. If an interested party is unhappy with the inspection
results, a re-inspection can be called. And/or since the Amarillo Grain
Exchange, Inc. is a federally licensed agency, a federal appeal can also be
called. The local FGIS Field Office would perform the appeal inspection. If a
party is still dissatisfied with these results, a BAR Appeal can be called; the
FGIS Board of Appeals and Review in Kansas City would perform this inspection.
An official inspection can guarantee that both the buyer and the seller are
satisfied. Because problems or inconsistencies can be corrected prior to
shipment the seller is assured that he has met contract specifications,
therefore getting paid for what he delivers. And the buyer is guaranteed that he
is getting the quality that he has paid for.
An officially designated agency is, in effect, an authorized extension of the
FGIS. Officially licensed personnel and the regulation of such personnel assure
the complete uniformity of grading procedures, competency and training.
Mechanical determinations are made with check-tested and approved equipment.
Interpretative lines, which are so important, are continuously monitored.
Supervision of official file samples provides a constant check of all grading
functions. With the constant supervision of the total official grading process,
the integrity is not as subject to intimidation because official supervision
supports the results. This system was established to strengthen the integrity of
the inspection and weighing of grain, anything less than the above mentioned
points, weakens the whole purpose of the Official system and the United States
Grain Standards Act.